The 100-Year-Old Haunted Tale of Monkey Road in Athens, Texas Where Sinister Monkey Ghosts Inhabit the Woods

Once upon a time, in the city of Athens, Texas, a circus was passing through when suddenly a wagon full of monkeys tipped over, causing the creatures to scatter into the woods. The story goes that some of these animals were caught by one Reverend Fuller, and he put them in a cage on his land.

The story about the monkeys and Reverend Fuller was passed down for quite some time until the legend of the haunted Monkey Road took shape 30 years ago. Now, stories about monkey ghosts, secret tunnels, and secret experiments shroud the town of Athens. But of course, these were all just made-up stories.

Rev. Fuller did not collect the monkeys. The monkey cage, in reality, was an aviary, home of exotic birds collected by his wife.

The tunnels, on the other hand, were an "engineering impossibility."

But what of the monkeys? They probably died a week after escaping the wagon.

Nevertheless, the townspeople choose to believe in the legend, as it has become a "part of [their] town lore."

Learn more about the Monkey Road legend over at WFAA.

(Image Credit: jonleong64/ Pixabay)

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