
The Bearded Women of The Lord of the RingsAt one point in The Lord of the Rings trilogy, Gimli talks about how manly the women of his fictional dwarf race are, and Aragorn mentions their beards. You might think that's what the headline is about, but no. It's about the horseback-riding extras that make up the armies in the movies. When The Two Towers was being cast, the production sent out a call for extras, asking for horseback riders and their horses. Those are much easier to handle than extras set on unfamiliar horses. Most of the riders who showed up were women, so they were equipped with helmets and beards to mask their gender as the riders of Rohan.
The First Trailer for The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of PowerThe Lord of the Rings television prequel series The Rings of Power is coming to Amazon Prime. We get a real first look at the teaser trailer released today. Despite the story being set during the Second Age of Middle-Earth, thousands of years before the events of The Lord of the Rings, we see some familiar characters, because certain species live very long lives (namely elves). Galadriel and Elrond look magically like the older versions we know. We will nevertheless have an awful lot of new characters to learn about. The production values are glorious, which was necessary if we want to relate this at all to the movies.The series will likely be the most expensive television show in history, with Prime Video reportedly spending roughly $465 million on the eight episode first season. Prime Video also reportedly made a commitment to produce five seasons of the series as part of its deal with the Tolkien estate.Let's just hope the story, which is gleaned from Tolkien's work, holds up to our expectations. The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power will premiere on Amazon Prime on September 2. #TheRingsofPower #LOTR #trailer
The Tolkien Estate Released Unseen Lord of the Rings Art by JRR TolkienFans of the Lord of the Rings franchise, you’re all in for a treat!Never before seen artworks by J.R.R. Tolkien have been released by the Tolkien Estate. Published on the estate’s website, viewers can now see twelve unpublished items, such as paintings of flowers and exotic birds, some illustrations for the iconic franchise, a draft manuscript of The Homecoming of Beorhtnoth Beorhthelm’s Son (1953), and photographs of the author and his family.​The portal debuted on February 26th – which was a familiar date for fans of the franchise. February 26, 3019, was the “date in the Third Age when the Fellowship of the Ring was broken at Amon Hen and Frodo and Sam set out on their lonely and terrifying journey to Mordor.” It aims to provide viewers a look at some aspects of Tolkien’s life through documents, images, and audio clips. Image credit: Tolkien Estate / © The Tolkien Estate Limited#Tolkien #LOTR #LordoftheRings #website
Lord of the Woodturned RingIn the land of the Internet, in the views of YouTube, Olivier Gomis made a ring, in public, a wood turned ring to control all others. And into this Ring he poured his creativity, his talent, and his will to upload content. One wood turned ring to rule them all.Olivier Gomis crafted a wooden Lord of the Rings ring in his workshop using maple wood and maple veneers. Assisted by his tools, Gomis unleashed his skill and creativity to create the ring. The ring came built with a stand and when you turn it on, the Black Speech lights up as if it was glowing!“I was originally going to put it for sale, but after all, why should I part ways with it? It's mine, my own, my precious...”, said Gomis in a YouTube comment.#LOTR #LordOfTheRings #Woodwork #WoodenRing