
13 Movies That are Famous for Their On-Set DramaThere are movies that you've never seen, but you know something about them from the news coverage. Or maybe you saw them and vaguely recall what they're about, but you remember the story of how they were filmed. Movie productions can generate a lot of drama that has nothing to do with the plot or what goes on the silver screen. The brouhaha about the conflicting personalities surrounding the film Don't Worry Darling is an example. If you don't recognize the title, that's because the movie hasn't hit theaters yet. But you've read about the conflicts between Olivia Wilde, Florence Pugh, Harry Styles, Chris Pine, and Shia LaBeouf. Or at least you've seen the headlines. There have been plenty of movies like that. If you know anything at all about What Happened to Baby Jane? you know that it starred Joan Crawford and Bette Davis, who hated each other. The story behind their conflict is long and involved, and led to injuries on the set. You may or may not have seen Mr. and Mrs. Smith, but you know that's where Brad Pitt met Angelina Jolie. Read the stories behind 13 such films at Buzzfeed.#Hollywood #filmmaking #conflict #drama #behindthescenes
The Seven Biggest Comedy Stars Who Added Drama to Their RepertoireThere are quite a few stars who spend a lifetime rehearsing their comedy chops for a break in the movies, and when they do, they want to expand to other things like drama. Why? In some cases, it's what they always wanted to do, but took a left turn into comedy first. Other times, it's just a matter of wanting to do something different, or even possibly the knowledge that you're never going to win an Oscar in comedies. The success of these transitions varies. Many young folks can't even imagine Michael Keaton as a standup comedian, while older people were astonished they cast the funny guy as Batman back in 1989. You have to be pretty big in the business to be offered an entirely different genre of work. It happened to Jim Carrey, Adam Sandler, Steve Carell, Robin Williams, Bill Murray, Eddie Murphy, and Will Ferrell. It may have taken many years after landing as an up-and-coming player on Saturday Night Live, and for some it worked out better than for others. Even when it works, some actors decide to go back to his roots. Read about the transition from comedy to drama and how it worked out for all seven of these stars at The A.V. Club. (Graphic compiled by Allison Corr)#comedy #drama #comedian #movie