Your Eyes Aren't Necessarily Going Bad, the Movies are Just Darker These Days

We covered the problems of movie dialogue becoming harder to hear over the years at Neatorama. Now let's focus on how they are becoming darker. If you noticed this and thought it was your eyesight going bad due to age, relax. It's not your eyes, it's the movies themselves. Since I don't watch many movies these days, I noticed this with The Walking Dead. It's hard to catch the dialogue and hard to see in the dark. Both movies and TV shows are really darker than ever. Vox explores the reasons why this is happening.

We understand that these scenes are supposed to be at night, and darkness is very effective at setting a mood or inducing fear. But if you can't see what's going on, what's the point? That's a problem for the movie industry. You should still have your eyesight (and hearing) checked every so often. -via Diggā€‹

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