The Queen's Royal Scottish Pancakes

It is said that back in 1960, Queen Elizabeth II sent United States President Dwight D. Eisenhower a very personal gift. A thank you of sorts. A reminder of his 1959 visit to the Scottish Highlands. The gift was her personal recipe for “drop scones.” 

Drop scones are also known as Scottish pancakes. Drop Scones or Scottish pancakes are very much like regular pancakes. The difference, however, is that they are a bit thicker and sweeter than traditional American pancakes. Like a pancake they are dropped onto a hot cooking surface and flipped. They include a leavening agent. Some say that the pancakes therefore are reminiscent of the Japanese fluffy pancake. 

In 2011 the National Archives featured the recipe in a press release. Thanks, however, to internet sleuths and the media this very special drop scone recipe has once again resurfaced. The instructions are provided below. 


* 4 teacups of flour

* 4 tablespoons of caster sugar

* 2 teacups milk

* 2 whole eggs

* 2 teaspoons bicarbonate soda

* 3 teaspoons cream of tartar

* 2 tablespoons melted butter


Beat eggs, sugar and about half the milk together, add flour, and mix well together adding remainder of milk as required, also bi-carbonate and cream of tartar, fold in the melted butter. 

The bottom of the recipe notes that it makes enough for 16 people.

(Image Credit: National Archives)

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