The Comedies That Roger Ebert Considered the Very Worst

The late film critic Roger Ebert carried a lot of weight among critics, but he didn't always agree with his partner Gene Siskel, and he didn't always agree with the moviegoing public. But he got it right for the vast majority of movies he rated. Ebert never held back when he knew a film was a stinker. That's why there are so many flops that you've never heard of, because it's hard coming back from a Ebert critique with no stars.

When a comedy goes two hours and fails to make you laugh, you can bet that Ebert had something to say about it. Collider has compiled a list of comedies that Ebert awarded zero stars to, plus a scathing review of how it wasn't funny. You won't be surprised at how many of them you've never heard of, even though they are Hollywood productions, often with big stars. Read about the ten worst comedies Roger Ebert reviewed, although you may want to argue about number four. -via Fark ā€‹

(Image credit: Sound Opinions

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