The Arena Tour May Be Dying

Playing arenas is a sweet deal for musical groups, since you're selling tens of thousands of tickets for one performance instead of playing every night for weeks in smaller venues to make the same money. Taylor Swift can sell out multiple performances in arenas in one city. But that's not the case for most artists. Some of the biggest tours of 2024 are cancelling appearance due to low ticket sales, and the risk of not filling an arena can be financially devastating. The Black Keys cancelled the entire North American leg of their tour this summer. Jennifer Lopez dropped even dates from her tour.

So what's happening? Music fans want a more intimate venue for seeing their favorite artists. Ticket sales are too difficult. Ticket prices are too high. Savvy concertgoers have learned that if they wait until the last minute, they can get bargain tickets for undersold shows. Arenas are crowded. And there's more to it, like artists with not followings that are not yet arena size. Read about the 2024 shows that are underselling and may be the death knell for the arena tour as we know it at GQ.  -via Fark ā€‹

(Image credit: Zakarie Faibis

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