The 50 Greatest Fictional Deaths Ever

What fictional character's death affected you the most? Which was saddest, the funniest, the most unexpected, or the goriest? Don't limit yourself to movie deaths; this list covers books, TV shows, comic strips, video games, plays, short stories, comic books, songs, and multimedia stories. Did you cry ten minutes into the Pixar movie Up? Did you gasp when Thelma and Louise drove into eternity? Were you shocked when the most famous actress in the movie Scream died in the first few minutes? Do you remember the whale in The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy? Tony Soprano? How about Colonel Henry Blake?

Slate runs down the 50 greatest fictional deaths from pop culture, but they don't rank them. They are listed in chronological order, starting with Euripides' play Medea. Each entry will take you back to the moment you witnessed a death that made you care one way or another, even if it was just satisfaction, when you first experienced it. -via Fark, where you'll find many others that could have made the list.

(Image credit: Franco Zacharzewski)

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