Thanksgiving TV Episodes to Watch for the Holiday Weekend

Thanksgiving is a holiday centered around family togetherness. You have plans for the big feast together, and then maybe you plan to watch some football together, and then there's Black Friday shopping. Those plans will not cover the whole weekend, and there's only so much "catching up" you can do before small talk turns to politics, and we would prefer that not to happen. One way to fill those off-hours with your relatives is to watch a some "comfort TV" together. How about some classic Thanksgiving-themed episodes of your favorite shows?

There are a surprising number of these shows available. Cracked has a list of 15 recommended Thanksgiving TV show episodes, and Mental Floss has a list of twelve. Most entries have video clips. What's really amazing is that only one classic Thanksgiving episode appears on both lists! That effectively gives you a list of 26 different episodes you can look up and play for your family downtime this weekend. It should fill about 30 hours or so.

Oh, you've already guessed that the one thing these lists have in common is "Turkeys Away" from WKRP. Any such list that didn't include that show would be illegitimate.

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