Roger Corman's Virtually Heroes to be Distributed, Nine Years Later

Back in in 2013, Roger Corman produced a movie called Virtually Heroes. It involved video game characters becoming self-aware and then trying to win the game. Corman wanted to make a picture that re-used the reels of war footage he had from his previous films, and putting that war into a video game made sense. Virtually Heroes was made on a shoestring budget. The reviews weren't great, although the film was screened at the 2013 Sundance Film Festival.

The movie never found a distributor, and went back in the closet for nine years. But there was interest, mainly because Mark Hamill played a wise man character that was slightly reminiscent of Yoda. Now in the age of streaming, the film will finally be released to the public. Virtually Heroes will have a short theatrical run in December, and then land on the CracklePlus streaming service Popcornflix in February of 2023. It is being touted as a campy comedy more than an action gamer film, which will go a long way in covering its flaws. -via Boing Boing 

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