Ohio Reporter Goes Viral When Mom Interrupts his Field Report

Being a mom never ends. It does not matter how old the children are or even if they are already working. This is something that does not change, not ever. That’s why this is a story that most of us, no matter what age, can relate to. 

Surely, Myles Harris, a reporter from ABC6 understands the mom and child dynamic all too well.  His mom recently surprised him at work. Myles was out in the field reporting on a story one Saturday morning when his mom happened to drive by, slow her car, and shout, "Hi, baby!" The interaction was caught on tape by the tickled cameraman. 

​​After the recording went viral, Myles and his mom were featured in Good Morning America and Good Day Columbus. Truly, once a mother, always a mother, and once a baby, always a baby.

​Image credit: ABC 6

#reporter #mother #son #family

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