Living Through the Barbie Dreamhouse Challenge Nightmare

One of the bigger pieces of Barbie hype this summer was the HGTV series Barbie Dreamhouse Challenge, in which a team of designers and contractors turned a suburban home into a life-size pink toy. The five-episode series has just wrapped up, and was quite a hit. But what was the experience like for the neighbors on Michael Crest Drive in Santa Clarita, California?

The home was purchased in a hush-hush manner, and a nearby house was rented. The weird behavior of the buyers caused suspicious neighbors to look up their building permit, and found it was issued to Barbie Dreamhouse Challenge. Over the next few months, residents saw a parade of builders, star designers, a film crew, influencers, fans, and a security team taking over the neighborhood as the house became pinker and pinker. The street was often blocked, and producers even told the neighbors when they could mow their lawns! Read about Barbie Dreamhouse Challenge from the perspective of the neighbors who lived through it at The Ringer. -via Digg ā€‹

Oh yeah, the house is for sale now, too.

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