If You Couldn't Follow These Sci-Fi Movies, You're Not Alone

The process of taking a science fiction story and putting it on the big screen involves compromises all along the way. There just isn't time to explain what's happening the way a book does, and if we wanted everything explained, we'd just read the book. Some science fiction movies translate the story better than others. Sometimes it's just a time crunch that demands more edits; in other movies the art or the action takes priority over clarity. What's the most confusing sci-fi movie you've seen? Does Inception confuse you more than Looper? Is it harder to follow 2001: A Space Odyssey or Primer? Screen Rant took suggestions from reddit and ranked the top ten most confusing science fiction films up through 2013. They don't explain their ranking calculations, but the movies are admittedly confusing. See how others' opinions rank against your own as far as incomprehensible movies go by checking out the list. The movie Zardoz is strangely absent. It could be that not too many redditors have seen it all the way through. -via Fark 

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