Ghostbusters: Afterlife Merchandise Contains Spoilers

Ghostbusters: Afterlife opened in theaters last weekend, and is not yet available for legal streaming. The long-delayed sequel to the 1984 movie Ghostbusters was sometimes referred to as Ghostbusters: The Next Generation because it starred a group of much younger characters. Now that it has been released, we know that there are a couple of twists that the producers kept under wraps for a couple of years now. If you are planning to see the movie and want to avoid spoilers, don't go to the toy aisle and see the Ghostbusters: Afterlife-themed merchandise.

However, if you already know what the surprises are, or you don't care about spoilers, go to Gizmodo and check out the packaging for one particular set of action figures. The post also discusses the ill-advised tagline proudly displayed on the box.

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