An Honest Trailer for Akira

Screen Junkies' series of Honest Trailers manages to find the worst things about any movie, whether it's a blockbuster hit or an ignominious flop, and make us laugh about it. Every once in a while, we get an Honest Trailer in which we can tell they really liked a movie, despite the fun they poke at it. But this Honest Trailer for the 1988 Japanese anime Akira is a straight up tribute and a love letter for a movie everyone needs to see sooner or later.

Wikipedia tells us "Akira is widely regarded as one of the greatest animated movies of all time and prompted an increase in popularity of anime movies in the US and, generally, outside Japan. It is still admired for its exceptional visuals." The Honest Trailer agrees, and even refers to its visuals as Every Frame a Painting. But that doesn't mean they can't find humor in their appreciation. The movie may be a work of art, but the memes it spawned are still funny.

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