Pop Music Gives Us NFL Theme Songs for the Offseason

The Super Bowl is Over, the NFL draft is over, what's next for football fans? Offseason drama. Spring and summer gives standout football players the time to either manufacture a carefully-crafted public relations campaign to stay in the news, or else make some unfortunate mistake in their boredom to stay in the news anyway. The fans can make what they will of all these offseason stories, because it keeps football top-of-mind without relying on winning and losing.

To that end, Megan Armstrong has matched a pop song, new or not-so-new, to each of the 32 NFL teams to illustrate their potential for drama this summer at Uproxx. Each is accompanied by an explanation and what you should watch out for as the offseason progresses. You can already guess who the artist for the Kansas City Chiefs song is, the others are not quite so obvious.

(Image credit: Erik Drost

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